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Greedy Algorithm

휴리스틱 문제 해결 알고리즘(휴리스틱_이론)

합리적인 판단을 할 수 없는 경우 용이하게 구성된 간편추론 방법

  • 앞선 선택을 다시 고려하지 않음
  • 부분 문제에 대한 최적 해결 방법 → 문제 해결 방법
  • 최적에 가까운 답, 그러나 반드시 최적해는 아님

Examples: Dijkstra, Huffman Coding, Decision Tree, UD3

Compare to Dynamic Algorithm

Dynamic Algorithm

하위 문제에 대한 최적 솔루션 찾아 → 전역 최적 솔루션 선택

Greedy Algorithm

각 단계마다 로컬 최적해를 찾아 문제의 크기 작게 줄여나감

가장큰 합, 동전 바꾸기 문제를 풀 수 없음

Knapsack Problem

Queue Reconstruction by height


  1. Sort people by height in decreasing order

    use max heap by adding minus

    maxheap = [[-7, 0], [-6, 1], [-7, 1], [-4, 4], [-5, 0], [-5, 2]]

  2. Use index to push the person into an array(result)

    person[high, index]

  3. Pop person(from maxheap) and push into the new array - use index - [7,0] - [7,0] [7,1] - [7,0] [6.1] [7,1] ← 6 with index 1 - [**5,0]** [7,0] [6.1] [7,1] ← 5 with index 0

        it does not harm the array in the past. The people in the array were taller than 5. Index only affects when the rest are taller.
    - [**5,0]** [7,0] [5,2] [6.1] [7,1] ← 5 with index 2
    - [**5,0]** [7,0] [5,2] [6.1] [4,4] [7,1] ← 4 with index 4

Task Scheduler


  1. Create a dic of word occurrence (counter)
  2. Sort tasks with their occurrence (the n most common tasks)

    counter.most_common(n+1) # consider idle time
  3. while True until the counter is empty

    add 1 to result and subtract 1 from the task’s value

    if the n most common is 1 less than n+1, add 1 to result for idle time

Counter object

for occurrences of words in a list


return a list of the n most common elements

count = Counter()
for word in word_array:
    count[word] += 1

Gas Station


  1. Find the start index which the cost < gas
  2. Anywhere if the sum of the gas is less than the sum of the cost, return -1 (fail fast return)
  3. start index to len(station)

    check if it’s positive sum of gas - sum of cost

  4. 0 to start index

    check if it’s positive sum of gas - sum of cost

  5. use modulo operation (

    remainder = index % the number of gas station

    use remainder 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (← reconstructing indexes)

Assign Cookies


  1. Sort children, cookies by decreasing order of greed factor
  2. Use for loop to check the cookie size is greater than or equal to greed factor

    True → remove the size in the size array and return to the next child

  3. binary search (
  4. (