- All of crews is in the line later than last shuttle
Some or All of crews is in the line earlier than last shuttle
2-1. More crews than limited seats
2-1. Less crews than limited seats
- Sort timetable(crew’s)
Check if the first crew arrives earlier than the last shuttle
- False → All of crews is in the line later than last shuttle (CASE 1)
answer = last shuttle time
- True → Some or All of crews is in the line earlier than last shuttle (CASE 2)
If it’s True, Check if a seat is left
Take a seat for a crews in order if the crew is earlier or exactly arrive at the interval time (if not, go to the next interval)
- if there is More crews than limited seats (CASE 2-1)
arrive 1 min earlier than the current crew when it is a last shuttle and last seat (seat left = 1, last interval)
- if there Less crews than limited seats (CASE 2-2)
answer = last shuttle time
def getTimeStamp(hh, mm):
if mm < 0:
mm = 60 + mm
hh -= 1
if hh < 10:
answer = "0" + str(hh) + ":"
answer = str(hh) + ":"
if mm < 10:
answer += "0" + str(mm)
answer += str(mm)
return answer
def getLastShuttleTime(number, interval):
last_hh = 0
last_mm = 0
if interval*(number-1) >= 60:
last_hh = 9 + (interval*(number-1)//60)
last_mm = interval*(number-1)% 60
last_hh = 9
last_mm = interval*(number-1)
return last_hh, last_mm
def getShuttleWaitingTime(n, t, m, timetable):
number = n
interval = t
seats_num = m
# sort crew's timetalbe
answer = ""
last_hh, last_mm = getLastShuttleTime(number, interval)
first_crew_hh, first_crew_mm = map(int, timetable[0].split(":"))
# Check if the first crew arrives earlier than the last shuttle
# True → Some or All of crews is in the line earlier than last shuttle (CASE 2)
if first_crew_hh < last_hh or (first_crew_hh == last_hh and first_crew_mm <= last_mm):
start_hh = 9
start_mm = 0
for c in range(number):
seat_taken = 0
# calculate interval time
if interval*c >= 60:
start_hh = 9 + (interval*c//60)
start_mm = interval*c % 60
start_hh = 9
start_mm = interval*c
seat_taken = 0
while seat_taken < seats_num:
# take a seat for a crew
if len(timetable) > 0: # if there is More crews than limited seats (CASE 2-1)
crew_hh, crew_mm = map(int, timetable[0].split(":"))
if crew_hh < start_hh or (crew_hh == start_hh and crew_mm <= start_mm):
if c == number-1 and seat_taken == seats_num-1:
crew_mm -= 1
answer = getTimeStamp(crew_hh, crew_mm)
seat_taken += 1
else: # if there is More crews than limited seats (CASE 2-1)
answer = getTimeStamp(last_hh, last_mm)
else: # False → All of crews is in the line later than last shuttle (CASE 1)
answer = getTimeStamp(last_hh, last_mm)
return answer
- Sort timetable
Create shuttle bus array with number and seats
shuttletimetable[2][2] = [[[shuttletime, crewtime], [shuttletime, crewtime]], [[shuttletime, crewtime], [shuttletime, crew_time]]]
From index 0 of crews’ timetable and shuttle, input crew’s time to shuttle array
crews’ time is less than or equal to shuttle time
def getTimeStamp(hh, mm):
if hh < 10:
answer = "0" + str(hh) + ":"
answer = str(hh) + ":"
if mm < 10:
answer += "0" + str(mm)
answer += str(mm)
return answer
def getShuttleTime(n, t, m, timetable):
answer = ""
shuttle_num = n
interval = t
seats_num = m
start_time = 540 # 9:00
shuttle_timetable = []
for n in range(shuttle_num):
for _ in range(seats_num):
shuttle_timetable.append([start_time+(interval*n), -1]) # none in the bus seat
crew_timetable = []
for c_t in timetable:
hh, mm = map(int, c_t.split(":"))
shuttle_index = 0
crew_index = 0
while shuttle_index < len(shuttle_timetable) and crew_index < len(crew_timetable):
# crews are earlier than shuttle take seats (next crew, next seat)
if crew_timetable[crew_index] <= shuttle_timetable[shuttle_index][0]:
shuttle_timetable[shuttle_index][1] = crew_timetable[crew_index]
shuttle_index += 1
crew_index += 1
shuttle_index += 1
if shuttle_timetable[-1][1] == -1: # the last shuttle's seat is empty -> answer
hh = shuttle_timetable[-1][0]//60
mm = shuttle_timetable[-1][0]%60
answer = getTimeStamp(hh, mm)
else: # the time of the crew in the last shuttle's seat -1
hh = (shuttle_timetable[-1][1]-1)//60
mm = (shuttle_timetable[-1][1]-1)%60
answer = getTimeStamp(hh, mm)
return answer
기둥과 보 설치
item is [x, y, pillar or roof, remove or add]
pillar = 0, roof 1
remove = 0, add = 1
Initialize the structure of n by n array (but, 0 ~ n size if n+1)
n+1 ← pillar is upward structure[n][n] structure[n+1][n]
n+1 ← roof is left to right structure[n][n] structure[n][n+1]
Check the item from buil_frame array
if it’s add or remove
- add: validate if it can be added.
- remove: validate if it can be removed (answer should be all validated when it assume that the item is removed)
Create isRoofOrPillarValid()
pillar conditions: floor (y == 0) or left or right roof (x-=1, x+=1)
roof conditions: under the roof there is a pillar or roof on either left or right
Sort with lambda
conditions in order
pillar = 0
roof = 1
def isRoofOrPillarVaild(structure, x, y, a):
if a == 1:
if structure[y-1][x][pillar] == 0 or structure[y-1][x+1][pillar] == 0 or ((x >=1 and structure[y][x-1][roof] == 1) and structure[y][x+1][roof] == 1):
return True
return False
if y == 0 or structure[y-1][x][pillar] == 0 or structure[y][x][roof] == 1 or (x >=1 and structure[y][x-1][roof] == 1):
return True
return False
def getStructureBuilt(n, build_frame):
answer = []
structure = []
# initialize structure to -1
for i in range(n+1):
for _ in range(n+1):
for item in build_frame:
x, y, a, b = item
# add (1) or remove (0)
if b == 1:
# roof a == 1 -> left to right
# pillar a == 0 -> updward
if isRoofOrPillarVaild(structure, x, y, a):
structure[y][x][a] = a
answer.append([x, y, a])
elif b == 0:
structure[y][x][a] = -1
removable = True
for t_x, t_y, t_a in answer:
if not isRoofOrPillarVaild(structure, t_x, t_y, t_a):
structure[y][x][a] = a
removable = False
if removable:
answer.remove([x, y, a])
answer.sort(key=lambda i:(i[0], i[1], i[2]))
return answer
def getTriangleSnail(size):
# 1. create array for answer with triangle shape
# e.g. size=5
# triangle = []
# for s in range(1, size+1):
# triangle.append([0]*s)
triangle = [[0] * s for s in range(1, size+1)]
# 2. create start point
x = 0
y = -1
num = 1
answer = []
# 3. repeat with times of size
# 4. separate with direction down, right, up order
for s in range(size):
for _ in range(size-s):
if s % 3 == 0:
# down [++y][x]
y += 1
elif s % 3 == 1:
# left to right [y][++x]
x += 1
# up [--y][--x]
y -= 1
x -= 1
triangle[y][x] = num
num += 1
for i in range(len(triangle)):
for num in triangle[i]: